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If elected, I promise...

Updated: Sep 29

Questions for provincial candidates

The residents of Vancouver will elect a dozen MLAs on October 19th.  Evidenced by what we’ve seen recently under the BC NDP, actions the provincial government takes have considerable consequences for Vancouverites, for our democratic rights, and for the livability of our city.


If a candidate comes to your door, or if you have the opportunity to attend an all-candidates meeting in your neighbourhood, here are some questions in various categories you might put to them, along with some introductory context.




Vancouver’s ABC majority council has requested that the provincial government abolish the elected Park Board that has served the city since 1889.  

Do you support stripping Vancouver residents of their longstanding right to elect Park Board commissioners?


Last fall, the NDP government passed new housing legislation that removed control of zoning from municipal governments; the Vancouver Charter was amended to ban public hearings in some circumstances (see S. 559.02). 

Do you support provincial legislation that cuts citizens and their local elected representatives out of decisions about how their communities will develop and grow?


In 2023, Vancouver city council received the unprecedented support of the provincial government  to push through a bylaw in spite of an ongoing court challenge to the validity of the public hearing process.

Do you support further provincial overriding of citizens’ pursuit of court decisions?




Bill 47, passed last year,  requires higher density around transit hubs. Around SkyTrain stations in Vancouver, this means 20 storeys within a 200-metre radius, 12 storeys within a 400-m radius, and eight storeys within a 800-m radius. Bus exchanges must allow 12 storeys within a 200-m radius and eight storeys within 400 metres.  

Do you  support higher density around transit simply based on distance from a station, regardless of any other community plans or zones and without any community consultation?


The provincial government’s density requirements around transit have resulted in block-busting  (high-density proposals in the middle of low and medium density areas)  now highly visible in Vancouver’s Broadway Plan area. 

Do you support high-rises breaking up what have been homogenous neighbourhoods, often beloved by residents and visitors alike?




BC Housing gave a $32-million low-interest loan to the developer of 1807 Larch on the basis that the project would provide affordable housing. In reality, the rents are at the top end of the scale, with a 393-sq.ft studio renting for up to $2,750 a month.  The same developer is the beneficiary of a $164-million low-interest loan for a building at 2538 Birch.

If elected, would you ensure that future taxpayer-funded breaks to developers provide a benefit to the general public rather than just the developer?


According to a Planning Together BC report, in September 2022 the provincial government took on leadership in the development of the business case for the Millennium Line extension to UBC.  The billions of dollars involved in building a subway could finance options that would provide walkable access to transit in all areas of Vancouver and be far less expensive environmentally and financially.

If elected, will you commit to working with Vancouver residents to develop effective transit options across the city instead of putting all the financial eggs in one basket?




The Vancouver School Board is disposing of lands against the wishes of the school communities that will bear their loss.  For example, the Ministry of Education and Childcare has issued the disposal certificate for land at Sir Sandford Fleming elementary school.

If elected, will you commit to a moratorium on the disposal of school lands in Vancouver until a comprehensive plan is developed that aligns school capacity with projected population growth due to neighbourhood densification?


Four Vancouver civic parties (ABC, Forward Together, Progress Vancouver and Vision Vancouver) are under investigation by Elections BC for potential contraventions of the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act during the 2022 election, nearly two years ago.  Monetary penalties may be imposed on them.

If elected, would you ensure that Elections BC has the resources to complete investigations of civic parties within a year of the disclosure deadline?

Repeated instances of Vancouver properties being undervalued so that less Property Transfer Tax (PTT) is payable when they change hands have resulted in loss of revenue for the provincial government.  Further, records of tax calculations on some significant properties remain secret under a provision of the provincial Property Transfer Tax Act.

Do you support ending PTT secrecy to make it as open and transparent as the property tax system?




The new provincial legislation requires densification of all municipalities of more than 5,000 people, without consideration of whether existing infrastructure or amenities can support the increased population.  Vancouver enacted a bylaw in October 2023 enabling similar densification.

If elected, will you support retaining legislation that imposes increased density without also requiring that provision is made for adequate infrastructure and amenities?


Tenants of older, affordable apartment buildings face uncertainty with the provincial government requirement to densify. As older buildings are replaced by towers with smaller, more expensive units, tenants in the Broadway Plan area must negotiate complex arrangements that supposedly guarantee them units in the new buildings at their previous rent.

Do you support encouraging the destruction of existing affordable housing despite the difficulties this will cause for renters?


Have a question that is Vancouver-specific? 

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Vancouver candidates:






Jag S. Sanghera

Françoise Raunet

George Chow


Jacob Burdge

Bridget Burns

Niki Sharma

Zsolt Kiss (Independent)


Syed Mohsin

Amy Fox

Mable Elmore


Bryan Breguet

Scottford Price

Sunita Dhir

Little Mountain

John Coupar

Wendy Hayko

Christine Boyle

Point Grey

Paul Ratchford

Devyani Singh

David Eby


Dallas Brodie

Michael Barkusky

Callista Ryan

Caroline Ying-Mei Wang (Ind.)


Tom Ikonomou

Lawrence Taylor

Adrian Dix

South Granville

Aron Lageri

Adam Hawk

Brenda Bailey


Scotty Muller

Simon de Weerdt

Joan Philip

Kimball Cariou (Communist)

West End

John Ellacott

Eoin O'Dwyer

Spencer Chandra Herbert

Carl Turnbull (Ind.)


Melissa de Genova

Dana-Lyn Mackenzie

Terry Yung


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